Why It's Important to Be Part of a Community of Faith

Why It's Important to Be Part of a Community of Faith

Why It's Important to Be Part of a Community of Faith
Posted on October 5th, 2022.

Belonging to a community of faith is so crucial and valuable that Christ Himself modelled it in His personal earthly ministry. Can you say you belong to a family of believers in Jesus?

Being connected to and engaged in a community of people of like faith in the Lord Jesus is both a means of encouragement, motivation, and protection that all believers need to have. Hebrews 10:23-25 admonishes us:

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."

Here are some takeaways from that passage.

1. Being Part of a Community of Faith Gives Us an Environment That Encourages Our Faith to Grow

Just like how the heat from a heap of burning coals increases with each piece of coal added, our faith is encouraged to grow all the more when we see a brother or sister come to the Lord. Have you ever been encouraged or refreshed by the fact that a new person has been saved?

Think about it. When a Christian is alone among a group of unsaved people, there's a higher risk for peer pressure and other things to snuff out that Christian's faith. But when a Christian finds himself in the company of fellow believers who can't stop but praise God for His goodness, the faith-snuffing pressure won't certainly be there. Choose to spend more time with fellow Christ-followers than not.

2. A Community of Faith Gives Us Opportunities to Learn How to Serve

Being Christ-followers, we're all told to be servants for the Lord's sake. We are told to honour our leaders, serve our bosses, and love our enemies, all in honour of Christ. But how are we going to do that well in the world where rejection can be expected, if we aren't doing that in a community where it is appreciated?

Friends, let's learn to serve one another in the faith. When we develop a heart to serve without expecting anything in return, it'll be easier for us to serve.

3. Being Part of a Community of Believers Helps to Keep Our Eyes on Jesus Christ Alone

We are commanded to keep on meeting one another because we "see the Day" of Christ's return "approaching." Simply put, we are told to gather, remind and encourage one another of His imminent return, and to stir one another in love, so that we will not lose sight of what Christ has done.

We can't afford to stay away from people who love Christ Jesus.

Source: click here

"But if We Walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, We Have Fellowship With one Another, and the Blood of Jesus, His son, Purifies Us From all sin." 1 John 1:7

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