
What is Wild at Heart BASIC?

Wild at Heart BASIC is Wild at Heart Boot Camp, led by John Eldredge and his team through video sessions in your local area.

Allied Kings Network supports the ministry of Wild at Heart by introducing others to the Wild at Heart message.

Is this "just another men's retreat?"

A man needs a deeper understanding of why his longings govern him—and why God made him just like that. And he needs a deeper understanding of why women long to be fought for, swept up into adventure, and be the beauty.

This is not a retreat about the “seven things a man ought to do to be a nicer guy.” It is a four-day quest into the recovery of a man’s masculine soul, the release of a man’s heart—his passions and his true nature—all given him by God. It’s an invitation to rush the fields at Bannockburn, to go West, to leap from the falls and save the beauty. For if a man is going to know who he truly is as a man, if he is going to find a life worth living, love a woman deeply, and not pass on his confusion to his children, he simply must get his heart back.

Watch the Wild at Heart BASIC

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